We meet again!!
(semoga nggak bosen)

Seneng banget rasanya bisa update blog gini. Duh. Ohiya, sebelum berlanjut ke isi blog apaan, aku mau cerita dikit. Dikiiiiiit doang!
Janji deh!
(kemudian sampai ganti presiden belum kelar)

Hari ini aku menjadi manusia normal yuhuuuuuuu!!
Tidur jam 1 dan bangun Subuh. Biasanya tidur Subuh bangun jam 1 (siang).

Biasa aja.

Langsung aja, yahhhh...

Lanjutan dari postingan pelabuhan Mirah kemaren. Masa masih ada yang nanya pelabuhan Mirah di mana?? Pelabuhan Mirah nggak tau??

Tapi Google tau dong.

#WIWTD - What I Wore That Day

With such as saddlebrown veil + pants (ok. boys call it just BROWN. we as girls are so ribet); a pair of shoes I don't know its name but maybe I can call it "Sepatu Cowok"; stripes shirt so matches red blazer; and dont forget the mirror (?) sunglasses.

Anyway, I do love my pose. It's inspired by JFlow. Yo! JFlow right here~ (nyanyi) (abaikan)

I love the way the blazer flies~~

Sometimes, I added tiny belt, sometimes not. It's same with sometimes I thought with belt was better, sometimes not. Okay...............

Tetep. BONUS~~~

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